Monday, November 21, 2011

Digital Voice Recorders Can Store 28 Hours of You Singing

[tentblogger-youtube VYp5AiGmy8k]

Digital voice recorders can be be used like an audio diary. When considering which one to buy you will find all kinds of different types of voice recorders. You can record your voice and put the audio files into the computer. Musicians and writer uses these kinds of of recorders to keep their work in a safe place and so they do not forget what they sung.

Some records have over 28 hours of recording time like the Memorex digital voice recorder. Like many recorders you'll be able to record and playback notes or music without ever connecting to your PC. Many recorders have three modes of recording, including HP, MP, and LP. And some are even voice activated.

Choosing Your LCD or CRT Monitor

Making the right choice or decision on which type of LCD computer screen or CRT monitor to buy is important. Your decision will depend on the quality and size of the display you seek.  The LCD screen is the currently trendy way to go with its flat looking screen or display. Many users no longer even consider the larger screen CRT technology anymore due to its size, picture quality and it consumes more power.

Apart from saving space, the flat-screen LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) technology offers the following benefits: 1) it generates very little heat and radiation 2) uses less power and is less reflective.  CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) monitors on the other ha...

DVD-RW means "Digital Versatile Disk Rewritable"

Did you know DVD-RW means "Digital Versatile Disk Rewritable"?

A DVD-RW is like a DVD-R but it can be erased and written to again and again. A DVD-R can only be written to once and read many times. Like CD-RWs, DVD-RWs must be erased in order for new data to be added. DVD-RWs can hold 4.7GB of data and do not come in double-layered or double-sided versions like DVD-Rs do. Because of their large capacity and ability to be used mulitple times, DVD-RW discs are a great solution for frequent backups. To record data onto a DVD-RW disc, you will need a DVD burner that supports the DVD-RW format. DVD-RW is very much useful in the areas where you need to frequently u...