Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Advantages of Online Backup

You may be wondering why there is a need for online backup such as keepit online backup provides, when you can keep duplicate copies of your important files in optical discs, another hard drive, or flash drives.  It should be pointed out that one important benefit of using web storage is that the user is not required to do anything during the backup process.  What this means is that once you have specified the files to be backed up on a regular basis and the days when the backup process should be done, you do not have to worry about it anymore.  As long as your Internet file storage provider is one of the best, they will conduct the backup procedure in such a manner that you may not even notice that it is being performed.  This is done by taking advantage of the idle times for the computer system and the Internet connection.

Still another primary advantage of online backup is that the duplicate copies are stored in a remote location.  This eliminates the need to bring your backup copies to another location to keep them safe in case something happens to the location of your computer system, such as a fire, burglary, earthquake and other unexpected incidents.  Moreover, the disaster recovery process will be much simpler, such as accessing the files stored in the provider’s server.  Some providers may even permit backup of the operating system, which makes the recovery process even easier. 

Another important benefit of online backup is the use of advanced encryption technologies to prevent illegal access to the files.  Of course, you may also use these encryption techniques manually for backup copies kept in physical media like CDs, hard drives and flash drives.  However, the benefit provided by the web service is that this is also done automatically.  You do not have to be concerned that you might neglect to encrypt the backup files because this is automatically done in your computer before they are sent to the data center of the provider via the Internet.  Another benefit is that even if Internet connection is lost while you are working on a file, this is not a problem because sync software will automatically modify the backup copy once Internet access is restored.

Meanwhile, a possible disadvantage is that the Internet connection may slowly down substantially if the file to be processed is too big.  Some providers try to avoid this problem by specifying a limit to the size of an individual file.  Moreover, it is also possible to set up the schedule of the backup during those times when you are not using the computer. Try Clicking here for more info.

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