Monday, December 12, 2011

Cleaning CPU Fans

People ask how often do we need to clean our computers – as often as possible. One of the least given priority is the CPU fan. Normally, if the CPU fan is unclean or not maintained, it tends to be noisy. It’s either dusty or it lacks oil to spin properly.

To get started, unscrew the CPU fan and pull it out from the computer. Hold it properly, keeping away your fingers from the blade. Spray it with short bursts of air. You may also use an old toothbrush or a sift paint brush to clean the blade and inner part of the fan. Make sure you hold it with your fingers and not to let it spin fast or you’ll get cut.

To fix the fan, use a pointed tool to remove the sticker at the back of the fan. Pour a small amount of WD-40 (lubricant) on the hole to lubricate the bearing. Let it settle. Place the cap back. Give the fan a few spin to have the grease going through the whole bearing. Give it more spin. If you see the fan spinning smoothly, then it is already in good shape and ready to use. Screw it back again in your CPU for use.

By: Kristine

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes dust can be shaken off the fan by inserting a pencil, eraser end first, through an air hole in the computer case and lightly touching the fan blade as it rotates.
