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The ThinkPad laptop computer was created with Bluetooth, wi-fi accessibility technologies to give a lot more benefit for organization agents and to make field transfer simpler. Every laptop in this series has included a color LCD (liquid crystal display) screen, with newer models featuring screens capable of displaying higher resolutions and greater color gamut. These computers are traditionally black, though models have used various materials including titanium, plastic and magnesium alloys in their construction. This gives ThinkPads a durable case, making them attractive to professionals for field use.
Known for their reliability, quality, durability, and performance, these laptops are popular with large businesses and schools. The ThinkPad has also been used in space, and is the only laptop certified for use on the International Space Station. Technology critics have cited the units rigid, durable construction, reliability and overall value. New models have been quick to adopt the latest processors or input and output ports, earning further praise. One complaint is the fact that ThinkPad designs have changed very little, with current models resembling old, outdated machines.
By: Ethel
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