In general, the black ink cartridges are cheaper than color toner cartridges. So do ask yourself when buying ink, do you need color prints, or will they work equally well in black and white? If the answer is "yes", you will be saving a considerable amount of money in purchasing black ink cartridges.
If you are cost-conscious and also have great concern for the environment, purchasing recycled ink cartridges are a good option.
If you buy any kind of cartridge, make sure it is compatible with your printer. Many people are surprised to learn that the ink cartridges need to be specified for use with your specific model and manufacturer of printer. This should be explained clearly on the outer packaging of your ink. If you are having trouble remembering the model number of your printer, simply write it on a piece of paper and take it to the store with you. This is the most important information to have when selecting ink cartridges for printers, because without the model number of the printer, you're probably not getting the right ink product.
Because ink cartridges are sometimes very expensive, it is often possible to find a bargain on a combo printer cartridge / ink. A visit to a local retail store revealed a single cartridge for $ 29.97. Right next to the selection of ink cartridges are more than one printer in a box. Among them, a new printer and ink cartridge color combo, which was cheap at only $ 34.95. Most of the ink cartridges for printers carry a manufacturer's warranty to ensure your satisfaction. The only way to get coverage, as promised, is to keep the original receipt of purchase, packaging, ink cartridges and warranty information. If your new ink cartridge does not work as promised, most manufacturers will either replace the cartridge at no cost to you, or refund the original purchase price in full.
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